The world through the eyes of a baby boy.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Ball & Spoon

I've been learning a lot of new stuff lately. I've been learning how to play ball with mommy by pushing and kicking it to roll it back to her.

It was very hard for her to get a picture of it however, because I'm such a quick roller she only caught the ball in one picture and she took like 20! I get very excited about it and have A LOT of fun!

I'm also now learning how to start feeding myself...with a spoon! I've been working on self feeding with finger foods for a few months now, and I'm a pro, from crunchy cereal to fruits and veggies to crackers, cookies and rice, but now I get tools!

The Aftermath

It's a mess but you'll never learn if you don't practice right? I've been trying to take the spoon from mommy and daddy for months now, but they would never give it to me. Then mommy was reading another one of her mommy manuals and it said that babies should start learning to self feed with a spoon between 9 and 12 months. Well, I'm 9 months, and I started solids early, and moved to a cup early, so she figured we might as well go ahead and try this on the earlier side too. Mommy has a lot of faith in me! I love it.

I'm gonna go stand and roll the ball and dance now. Oh yeah, I also LOVE to dance now. I've even decided to wake up at 3am and dance! It's a mixture of bouncing and giggling and hand flailing, and boy is it FUN! See ya!

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