The world through the eyes of a baby boy.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Crawling, Cookies, Congas, Walkers and the Word No

So much has happened! I know I didn't post all weekend, but I'll make up for it tonight.

So let's just get the bestest thing ever out of the way...I crawled today! At about 7pm. A REAL crawl, not a scoot or a creep, but a crawl! It was so cool. I saw mommy's cell phone sitting next to her while she was sitting on the ground with me, and I got up on all fours and went for it! I've been creeping for awhile and I've gotten up before, a gazillion times, but then I think too much about it and just roll over onto my back. But not tonight. Tonight I kicked my little feet as hard and quick as I could as I got up, and I pulled and pulled with my hands at the ground underneath me, and I went! Forward too. See that makes it even more exciting because I tended to move backward a lot before, when I'd creep, scoot, and in my new walker. OH YEAH, my new walker..

Daddy took me to Target on Sunday night,and bought me this awesome Sesame Street Walker. It lights up and plays music, and has a mirror (my fav!) and Big Bird and Cookie Monster on it. Mommy forgot to take a picture of me in it last night and was going crazy over me crawling tonight, but I'll do something super cute in it tomorrow so she will have to capture it. It's a little tough to move on the carpet still, I've only spent about an hour or two in it, but on smooth ground I've got going backwards down!

I also tried one of these cookies mommy calls biter biscuits or teething biscuits today after lunch. It was yummy...and messy!

They look like cookies at first and turds after you start eating them.

But once I got about halfway through it I was able to finally shove the whole thing in my mouth and then mommy said "No" and took it away. That reminds me, this thing called 'the word no'...

So that's where I left off on the last post, this strange new concept. So I've been pulling up lately, and last week I pulled up on the edge of my tub while taking a bath and suddenly mommy got this funny look on her face and said "Ari, you're old enough to start learning this now. No." then sat me back down. I thought it was funny and smiled and laughed. Having no idea what this strange new sound was I went back to what I was doing and pulled up again. Then she said it again, and again sat me back down. We did this back and forth for the rest of the bath. And now she's been saying this word quite often. When I try to put something in my mouth, she still pulls it out, but she also says this "no" thing. When I pull the puppy's hair, she still pulls my hand off but says "no" and so on. Something about it strikes me as so funny. Every time she says it I giggle. I think it means something, but I'm not sure of what yet. I never heard it before last week, but I think it's silly when she says it.

So this weekend I got to play on the drums again. On Saturday I played with them all day long. I love the sound they make when I bang on them! I had a lot of fun.

Oh yeah, and did I mention that I learned how to unfasten my diaper all on my own? Yeah, I do that every chance I get now. It gives me more room to check my stuff out. Mommy thinks its funny to because I catch her laughing before she refastens it. But I just undo it again as soon as she's done. This has become my newest obsession.

So that's what I've been up to since I last posted. Now I need to take my bath (so I can work on finally crawling out of it on my own, no thanks to mommy) and go to sleep. I need a lot of energy to crawl around and get rolling in my walker tomorrow. Goodnight!

P.S. I'll include the video of me crawling from earlier when I post tomorrow. I'm too tired to wait the 800 hours for it to upload to blogger tonight.

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