The world through the eyes of a baby boy.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Old wisdom and California winter

Well, after 2 different kinds of diaper cream and a powder it seems it was nakedness and oatmeal baths that worked to clear up my diaper rash in only a day. I can't complain about the treatment either, I loved the little sitz baths every few hours, and mommy used baby oatmeal so it would dissolve in the water better and it made ever more baby soft! I also loved pooping on mom during one of my diaperless naps. :P She was holding me as I was falling asleep and felt something moving in her hand. Guess what it was? LOL!

I'm sure the warm 75-80 degree weather helped too. That's December in California folks! It gets chilly in the evening though, it was between 50-60 degrees through the night. I guess it won't be this year I see my first snow, but we got some great waves at the western facing beaches this week! Ha! Four seasons? Who needs 'em?

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