The world through the eyes of a baby boy.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Big Boy!

So I went to the doctor earlier today. I'm HUGE! I was 20.2 lbs and almost 28 inches. Mommy says she knew I was getting to be a big boy. All went well though. I'm ahead on all of my milestones (she also says I'm gifted...I just like to play) and Dr. Connolly said that I'm doing great, nice and healthy. I did get shots though. HATE THOSE! They hurt :( But the nurse lady who stuck me said I don't need any next time, but they take me for a flu shot later this month when they're available. I promise I won't get sick, please don't stick me again!

So I wore my new outfit and my hoodie from Auntie Amber with my hat today and all the nurses and receptionists went crazy over me. Even the other mommies were all over me. Apparently I have "such big blue eyes!" Luckily I still like strangers and thrive on the attention. Even the girls at Starbucks kept cooing over me. I'm such the stud.
Here's me in my chick magnet outfit:

And here's the no hat/hoodie up variation:

Okay, its bath and sleepy time now. Yay I get to play with my turtle and rubber duckie! G'night.

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