The world through the eyes of a baby boy.

Sunday, October 21, 2007


There are fires all over Southern California. I've never seen fires before. Most accounts are saying they are due to downed power lines caused by the severe Santa Ana winds, which are fueling the flames and making them worse. The biggest right now seems to be "The Canyon Fire" in Malibu. We are in Santa Clarita (where the "5 Freeway Disaster" happened last week) between Castaic and Agua Dulce though, and Mommy and Daddy got some great shots of the smoke converging from those two. We've uploaded them below.

Click to enlarge

Here are some downed branches for emphasis on how bad the winds are:
These are right outside my house. Litterally, right outside the front door, and right downstairs in front of the building. This is what it looks like right where we were live!!!

I'm gonna go back inside where it's not smoky and nap now. Bye!

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