The world through the eyes of a baby boy.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Fires! Day 2

Thanks to the very brave, very hard working firemen in Southern California (from all over per the California Fire & Emergency Rescue Mutual Aid System) we were not evacuated and the fire was held at bay before the major intersection by our house. This was the scariest thing I have even seen in my little life.

Mommy stayed up half the night to keep watch. Daddy stayed home from work to be with us in case it comes that close again.

There were a number of people's houses in our area that were destroyed. Some houses burned, some are still standing. All the schools in Santa Clarita are closed and a few miles of our street is closed.

Our whole family is very thankful again to the hard working firemen and women who worked hard all night to keep Canyon Country safe. I just feel so bad for the the people who weren't as lucky as us.


Unknown said...

thanx so much for posting updates. I linked it to my blog
I love over in Valencia near the 5/Lyons and appreciate your info!

Anonymous said...

I lived in your apartment complex for a year before moving to Colorado. Thanks for the pictures and good luck. Be careful!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your informative postings, Little Aristotle. My baby girl (25 years old!) lives in the Bouquet Canyon condos (corner of Plum Cyn & Bouquet Cyn)and we were so worried about her last night. But it looks as if all is OK for now. I hope you and your parents and everyone in Santa Clarita will get some relief from this tomorrow! Hang in there and keep safe.

Anonymous said...


I just want to make you aware that the Boppy has been banned and recalled by the Consumer Products Safety Commission because the zipper on the Chinese made
cover contains lead !!! Also, the tag on the zipper can come lose and choke the
baby if swallowed. Look at

I wonder how safe the Boppy is overall. Mothers milk and other bodily fluids
will get into the Boppy. In that warm environment the Boppy may become a hotbed
for germs and molds and more.

Please send this on. It is important that mothers know about this so that no baby
becomes ill or worse.

Aristotle said...

Hi Lisa,

My mommy says she is all for keeping me safe, but you have to be well informed and diligent about the sources for your information in order to not go crazy and become completely paranoid in today's market. If you actually look at the details of the recall (located at tml)
you can see that neither all boppys nor boppy slipcovers were recalled, only a select few. Which means instead of an overreaction on the part of the parents, ridding themselves of everything associated with a brand involved in a ban they are more effective checking the labels and model numbers of the products they own and taking action against only offending versions. Since the boppy and slipcover we have is not one of the recalled styles there is no need to be alarmed, just conscious of the problem and zealous in keeping informed of updates.

Likewise, if you properly wash your baby goods on a regular basis as instructed by the manufacturer and all pediatricians you should not have to worry about a buildup of bacteria, germs or mold. If you consider any type of material that could be similarly infected none of us would have bedding, pillows or fabric furniture.

While we appreciate the heads up, I love my boppy, and my mommy remains regularly abreast of the safety information issued on all kids products. We do not feel this is an issue that requires action at this time.

We do however thank you for your concern.
