The world through the eyes of a baby boy.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

I always pee in the bath...

So last night while I was taking my bath mommy was rinsing something out in the sink next to me and I grunted. When she looked over I was peeing in the front and bubbles were floating up from behind me. She found this rather hilarious. I felt as if I just was trying to enjoy my bath. I always pee in the the bath. It' just something I do. Mommy thinks today we should list some of the other funny things about me.

1. I love the taste of Johnson & Johnson Head to Toe Baby Wash. As soon as it's on my hands or feet or washcloth, they go straight into my mouth. Mommy says I'm silly. I say I'm smart for finding this secretly delightful snack.

2. I am a boy. I know this because about a month ago I found my boy parts. Since then every chance I get to touch them; baths, diaper changes (which can make quite a mess with the cream), doctor's exams, when my diaper is just loose enough to fit my hand down...I do. I grab them, squeeze them, and what looks like scratch them. But I am a boy, I assure you I have fully investigated this fact.

3. I poop when I eat. Every meal (solid foods). I eat about half my food then start going. I take bites in between pushes, and I will yell for these if I don't get them. It doesn't matter what time I eat either, mommy has tried to move my feeding up to a half an hour either way, I still poop when I eat. I like to work as one machine, things go out as things come in.

4. I am perpetually in motion. My hands, my feet, my head. When I'm eating, being changed, getting dressed. I wiggle. A LOT. Mommy says it's been like this since she was 5 months pregnant. I'm barely still when I am sleeping. It took mommy months to learn how to take an in focus picture of me.

5. I smile a lot but as soon as I see the red eye light on the camera, right before it snaps, I get this really serious look on my face to mess with mommy and daddy. I will smile a great big smile, and just as that shutter opens, I cowl instead.

6. I am obsessed with Coca Cola cans. If I see one I will stare at it and grab for it until I am allowed to check it out. No one will get any rest or peace until I am allowed to investigate one if its in sight.

7. I am also infatuated by our Statue of Liberty picture. Our living room has black and whites of New York and the one of the statue is my favorite. I have stared at it since I was a week old, and 6 months later I still love it. A clown could be juggling puppies in the living room and I wouldn't care if I could see the statue picture instead.

8. I bite. Just that. I bite. Hard.

9. I huff and puff when I want something or don't like something. It upsets daddy. Hey, I could always scream like some babies if he'd like that more.

10. I wake up and play in my bed in the middle of the night when they think I'm sleeping.

11. I am a professional splasher. I learned to splash in my first baths, at just a week or so old. I have perfected this art. I can soak anyone standing within 4 feet. I have my patented foot & hand simultaneous technique that could win medals.

12. I love Steppenwolf. They are neither mommy nor daddy's favorite band by a long shot. Not even their favorite genre. They don't mind them, just kinda ambivalent. But I LOVE their music. "Born To Be Wiiiild!"

13. I am good looking and I like to admire that fact in any mirror I can find. Maybe they should have named me Narcissus. If I am fussy in my crib and you show me my leapfrog mirror, it will instantly quiet me. I am hypnotized by my own beauty.

Well, I was born on the 13th, Mommy and Daddy were married on the 13th, and my late Grandpa's birthday was on the 13th too, so I think that's a pretty good number to leave it at for today.

See ya tomorrow!

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